Archive for August 11th, 2006

Jefferson Disk


Jefferson disk is an amazing cryptographic system. Rather than just plain substitution like in the Caesar cipher Jefferson used a primitive “key” which is a novel idea at that time IMO. If you think about it a little bit, it’s doesn’t suffer any form of popular cryptanalyst attacks (ciphertext only, known plaintext, and chosen plaintext). […]

Eating habits


The disadvantage to the side of having to buy your food from the cafe everyday is that you get pretty bored quickly and the food becomes completely tasteless . I miss the great food my mum prepares. Another problem is finding food that is eatable for a reasonable price. Viable but somewhat riskier approach to […]

Rainy day…


Pissing rain is so annoying. I hate walking with my slippers on a rainy day on the road. But you have to do such things in life. I like the cool climate on rainy days, it’s so comforting to the body. My ex-girlfriend is so goddamn annoying. We broke up about 5 months ago. I […]

Awesome presentation by Steve and the gang! Loved every minute of it. Time machine is just friking awesome! Too bad I’m not ready yet to pay the 1000$ Jobs Tax and go for a Mac. The presentation is very well organized and orderly. Stuff you could learn from it is priceless. Yes it’s available on […]